Blogging,  Intentional living,  Intentional motherhood,  Parenting

The Adventure Begins

Hey there! Welcome to my new blog, The Unbusy Mom! Let me start it with a huge THANK YOU for being here to read my first official post! It’s felt like a long time coming, but after almost a year of brainstorming, planning, learning, writing, questioning, prepping and much ado- here it is! {happy-dancing} So it means a ton to me that you’re here!

And while you’re here, let’s get to know each other a little! I’ll go first…

I am a 30-something, married to an old friend, and mom of 3 little girls who are 8, 5, and 3 years old. You’ll see me lovingly refer to them as Big Sister, Little Sister, and Baby Sister. Our little family of five enjoys a simple life in a cute town where the farm fields meet the mountains in central Maryland. We homeschool, enjoy all things artsy, and love spending time with our huge extended family.

Before motherhood I was a high school teacher with my Master’s degree in counseling. I loved it, but was also very exhausted by teaching- I’m an INFJ, if you’re at all familiar with Myers-Briggs types. I’m also an art & history nerd. I love photography, creative writing, reading, the beach, quiet time, and coffee. None of those things happen with ideal frequency {except coffee. Coffee is a basic life requirement and it does happen daily, but TBH I could always go for more}. Fortunately the primary side effect of simplifying our lives is time for more of what we love! #goals

So what inspired me to start a blog?

We’ve been through a lot as a family in our short 10 years of marriage. We are currently on the rebound from nearly losing everything after my husband was laid off from his job almost 2 years ago. I am thankful to God that we just celebrated one year with his incredible new company and we are happier and stronger than ever. The trials we’ve experienced are a huge part of the reason for our shift to living more intentionally. We’ve learned first hand that we don’t need a big house, new cars, trendy clothes, gadgets or any other “stuff” to be happy. Our experiences have given us a whole new perspective, shifted our priorities, and inspired us to focus our energy on what’s most important to us- especially this short season of our girls’ childhood.

I decided to start a blog to share my own journey as I shift to more intentional motherhood. Intentional living is such a breath of fresh air in our over-worked, over-scheduled, over-budget culture. Being a mother is what I cherish most {besides my actual family} in this life and I want to be fully present with my children while they’re little. My goal is to “unbusy” our lives so we can spend more of our time doing what we enjoy. Less work, more play. Less cleaning, more reading. Less clutter, more mental peace. Less school, more learning. Less racing around, more relaxing. You get it. Instead of a life filled to the brim with what ‘has to be done,’ I want a life filled just enough with what we love doing. 

I’m still pretty new at this though, so consider my blog more of a conversation between friends {over coffee of course} than a how-to or piece of advice. We’re in this motherhood thing together, and I’m learning along the way just like everyone else. I’ll be sharing what we try, what worked for us, what flopped, some tips from my experiences, and general parenting thoughts. I like to keep it real, so the struggles, the victories, and the everyday will all be represented here. My hope is to create a space where moms feel like they relate, so this won’t be a typical social media highlight reel! 

I hope you’ll follow along and enjoy reading about our adventure. And maybe you’ll even join me on your own journey! Thanks again for reading today! Subscribe in the right sidebar to get all of my latest posts delivered right to your inbox. You can also follow me on social media by clicking the buttons in the right sidebar. And don’t forget to introduce yourself in a comment! I can’t wait to meet you.



  • Jess

    Congratulations on starting your blog! I found you on Instagram and made my way over here 🙂 I really enjoyed your post about why you’re not doing another Whole 30.